Trying to decide which sensor has the best performance? Manufacturer datasheets are often cryptic, incomplete, or vary in test methodology. It’s very difficult to directly compare one sensor to another, or even predict performance in your application. Peripheral Vision can help.
Our state-of-the art systems and software can fully characterize almost any sensor:
- area, linear, or TDI sensors
- monochrome or color
- raw output or system-on-chip
- analog or digital (parallel or MIPI) output
Once characterized, we can provide a broad range of data, ranging from fundamental pixel and array parameters to functional verification of analog and digital operation, to optimal parameters for image processing.
Fundamental sensor parameters include:
- Conversion gain (DN/electron)
- Sensitivity (uV/lux-sec)
- Read noise floor (electrons or DN)
- Full-well capacity
- Photo-response non-uniformity
- Fixed pattern noise
- Temporal noise
- Green channel imbalances
- Dark current/leakage
- Bad pixels (hot, dead)
- Field flatness (both luminance and chroma shifts)
- Spectral response
- Quantum efficiency
- Sensitivity to chief ray angle (CRA)
- Crosstalk
- Blooming/overflow performance
- Sensor MTF
- Charge transfer efficiency (for CCDs)
We can also measure and detect sensor functional problems such as:
- ADC problems such as missing codes and non-linearities
- Gain and exposure time linearity
- Gain/exposure time/signal reciprocity non-linearity
- Image lag
- Power-supply feedthrough (PSRR)
- Black level offset accuracy and stability
We can also help you understand which parameters are most important to your application. Whatever your application, we can help determine which sensor has the best performance.